Thursday, September 3, 2009


So in keeping with posting what's on my easel in real time. The 2nd section of plaster on "Penelope" is now finished and will be curing on my easel while I prepare panels for new works.
At 30"x30" she will now continue "waiting" to be transferred onto cloth as she is too heavy to stay on plaster and cement board. This will happen throughout the next few weeks. The window by which she sits was referenced from a fascinating place called Bruzzano,Calabria.
Below you can see that everything and everyone from the village is long gone. You can also see my mother's village of Ferruzzano on the hilltop in the background.
Interestingly, there is visible evidence of inhabitation of from byzantine, pre-hellenic and even neolithic civilizations here ..look closely at the rock and how it is carved in places!
Does that look like a buffalo? and a cave dwelling?? Well I guess we are talking thousands of years BC... Calabria has such a rich history!
If you like what you see here, be sure to view my You Tube video called "My Italy" for more beautiful imagery from Calabria as well as more frescoes. The complete and final version is now done! See you there!